Load time: 04/13/2010 11:11:41 AM Read time: 04/13/2010 11:11:41 AM Kinetic read cycle: 1 of 1 Read start delay time: 0 s Time delay between kinetic reads: Barcode: ERROR Method ID: Default Fluorescence Intensity Method Plate ID: #770 Comment: new comment Microplate format: Nunc-Immuno Flat Bottom Shake time: 0 s Temperature: 31.1 C Instrument tag: Serial number: AD2123 Read sequence: row Mode sequence: plate Detection mode: f0 Light sensor: HC-120 Excitation side: Top Emission side: Top Lamp: Continuous Readings per well: 1 Time between readings: Integration time: 100000 us Attenuator mode: m Motion settling time: 25 ms Z Height: 3 mm Numeric Excitation filter: 1 Fluorescein 485 nm Emission filter: 1 Fluorescein 530 nm Beamsplitter: Top Fluorescein 505 Excitation polarizer filter: o Emission polarizer filter: o Detector counting: SmartRead Flash lamp voltage: Delay after flash: Sensitivity setting: 4 A/D converter gain: x1 Integrating gain: x1 Max cps: 64874220 cps Min counts: 180 counts Well list: r0(a2:h12,a1:h1) = (f0(a2:h12,a1:h1)) Data: RAW DATA Units: rfu Display format: %.2f 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 A 5950531600.00 639604900.00 76229900.00 51490500.00 5800518400.00 639604900.00 80813600.00 12421400.00 6487422000.00 641507100.00 81289500.00 12440500.00 B 3976162000.00 4565222800.00 4565222800.00 3707098400.00 3711084400.00 3976162000.00 4287340000.00 4128359200.00 1591400.00 1326600.00 2590100.00 2341300.00 C 401501600.00 404513400.00 430391400.00 434673600.00 409116700.00 436432500.00 468673100.00 432928800.00 473500.00 425000.00 363700.00 335300.00 D 249200.00 250200.00 242400.00 272700.00 243900.00 247500.00 222400.00 248500.00 218200.00 228500.00 180100.00 227000.00 E 239700.00 240700.00 225600.00 240700.00 534400.00 234400.00 219900.00 249200.00 217800.00 205100.00 253400.00 228300.00 F 303300.00 225800.00 287100.00 192700.00 275100.00 233800.00 272700.00 238800.00 264500.00 229800.00 227000.00 224500.00 G 211700.00 249400.00 225800.00 213600.00 258000.00 221300.00 218800.00 711700.00 192900.00 233600.00 204500.00 215400.00 H 240100.00 236100.00 238400.00 238000.00 303100.00 303300.00 255700.00 267500.00 316100.00 1548400.00 329600.00 278600.00 Well list: r1(a2:h12) = (f0(a2:h12) - avg(f0(a1:h1))) Data: BACKGROUND SUBTRACTED DATA Units: rfu Display format: %.2f 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 A -651575000.00 -1214950000.00 -1239689400.00 4509338500.00 -651575000.00 -1210366300.00 -1278758500.00 5196242100.00 -649672800.00 -1209890400.00 -1278739400.00 B 3274042900.00 3274042900.00 2415918500.00 2419904500.00 2684982100.00 2996160100.00 2837179300.00 -1289588500.00 -1289853300.00 -1288589800.00 -1288838600.00 C -886666500.00 -860788500.00 -856506300.00 -882063200.00 -854747400.00 -822506800.00 -858251100.00 -1290706400.00 -1290754900.00 -1290816200.00 -1290844600.00 D -1290929700.00 -1290937500.00 -1290907200.00 -1290936000.00 -1290932400.00 -1290957500.00 -1290931400.00 -1290961700.00 -1290951400.00 -1290999800.00 -1290952900.00 E -1290939200.00 -1290954300.00 -1290939200.00 -1290645500.00 -1290945500.00 -1290960000.00 -1290930700.00 -1290962100.00 -1290974800.00 -1290926500.00 -1290951600.00 F -1290954100.00 -1290892800.00 -1290987200.00 -1290904800.00 -1290946100.00 -1290907200.00 -1290941100.00 -1290915400.00 -1290950100.00 -1290952900.00 -1290955400.00 G -1290930500.00 -1290954100.00 -1290966300.00 -1290921900.00 -1290958600.00 -1290961100.00 -1290468200.00 -1290987000.00 -1290946300.00 -1290975400.00 -1290964500.00 H -1290943800.00 -1290941500.00 -1290941900.00 -1290876800.00 -1290876600.00 -1290924200.00 -1290912400.00 -1290863800.00 -1289631500.00 -1290850300.00 -1290901300.00 Load time: 04/13/2010 11:13:31 AM Read time: 04/13/2010 11:13:31 AM Kinetic read cycle: 1 of 1 Read start delay time: 0 s Time delay between kinetic reads: Barcode: ERROR Method ID: Default Fluorescence Intensity Method Plate ID: #771 Comment: new comment Microplate format: Nunc-Immuno Flat Bottom Shake time: 0 s Temperature: 31.1 C Instrument tag: Serial number: AD2123 Read sequence: row Mode sequence: plate Detection mode: f0 Light sensor: HC-120 Excitation side: Top Emission side: Top Lamp: Continuous Readings per well: 1 Time between readings: Integration time: 100000 us Attenuator mode: m Motion settling time: 25 ms Z Height: 3 mm Numeric Excitation filter: 1 Fluorescein 485 nm Emission filter: 1 Fluorescein 530 nm Beamsplitter: Top Fluorescein 505 Excitation polarizer filter: o Emission polarizer filter: o Detector counting: SmartRead Flash lamp voltage: Delay after flash: Sensitivity setting: 4 A/D converter gain: x1 Integrating gain: x1 Max cps: 66756452 cps Min counts: 3451 counts Well list: r0(a1:a12,b1:b8,c1:c8) = (f0(a1:a12,b1:b8,c1:c8)) Data: RAW DATA Units: rfu Display format: %.2f 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 A 6298008400.00 628424700.00 84392300.00 54677600.00 5790786400.00 657141700.00 84811200.00 13024900.00 6675645200.00 693033800.00 84458400.00 13385300.00 B 4219203600.00 4565222800.00 4663930000.00 3904194800.00 3904194800.00 4292672400.00 4773594400.00 4565222800.00 C 422850800.00 449155200.00 438205800.00 440892700.00 457793900.00 456764000.00 485621000.00 481219800.00 D E F G H