Load time: 03/07/2012 01:39:07 PM Read time: 03/07/2012 01:39:07 PM Kinetic read cycle: 1 of 1 Read start delay time: 0 s Time delay between kinetic reads: Barcode: ERROR Method ID: DNATech Fluorescence Int Plate ID: #2293 Comment: Microplate format: MJRBlackSkirt96 Shake time: 0 s Temperature: 30.7 C Instrument tag: Serial number: AD2123 Read sequence: row Mode sequence: plate Detection mode: f1 Light sensor: HC-120 Excitation side: Top Emission side: Top Lamp: Continuous Readings per well: 1 Time between readings: Integration time: 100000 us Attenuator mode: m Motion settling time: 25 ms Z Height: 3 mm Numeric Excitation filter: 1 Fluorescein 485 nm Emission filter: 1 Fluorescein 530 nm Beamsplitter: Top Fluorescein 505 Excitation polarizer filter: o Emission polarizer filter: o Detector counting: SmartRead Flash lamp voltage: Delay after flash: Sensitivity setting: 4 A/D converter gain: x1 Integrating gain: x1 Max cps: 79054304 cps Min counts: 2172 counts Well list: r0(a1:a12,b1:b12,c1:f12,g1:g12,h1:h12) = (f1(a1:a12,b1:b12,c1:f12,g1:g12,h1:h12)) Data: RAW DATA Units: rfu Display format: %.2f 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 A 6478886400.00 757864500.00 89010800.00 12134700.00 3468100.00 6893534400.00 713025900.00 88976300.00 11985200.00 2973600.00 6706500.00 2172500.00 B 6111290000.00 654532400.00 88939600.00 11635200.00 4625500.00 4952600.00 4531100.00 5309400.00 4455300.00 4474800.00 4448600.00 4602500.00 C 4297715200.00 5631972800.00 5222375200.00 4882107200.00 5352123600.00 4045502000.00 3698248400.00 4203375200.00 5113898000.00 4995315200.00 5488483600.00 4203375200.00 D 2238160600.00 4868315600.00 6893534400.00 6679782400.00 4287024400.00 4122927600.00 6879775200.00 2386958000.00 4297715200.00 4464724800.00 3023480200.00 3894652400.00 E 4045502000.00 2903763800.00 5098768800.00 3575484800.00 5631972800.00 3698248400.00 3771080800.00 3156380600.00 2386958000.00 4374070400.00 4553193600.00 2718271000.00 F 3698248400.00 4374070400.00 4760728800.00 4203375200.00 4287024400.00 3762846800.00 4287024400.00 4868315600.00 3635830400.00 4670416800.00 4760728800.00 4760728800.00 G 2128948600.00 3970930400.00 5488483600.00 4760728800.00 7905430400.00 2413703000.00 5222375200.00 4868315600.00 6111290000.00 4122927600.00 4657793600.00 4657793600.00 H 7905430400.00 6679782400.00 4203375200.00 5360446800.00 3307838400.00 4055020800.00 3352886600.00 4203375200.00 3829741600.00 3313600.00 3528000.00 2314900.00 Load time: 03/07/2012 01:50:09 PM Read time: 03/07/2012 01:50:09 PM Kinetic read cycle: 1 of 1 Read start delay time: 0 s Time delay between kinetic reads: Barcode: ERROR Method ID: DNATech Fluorescence Int Plate ID: #2295 Comment: Microplate format: MJRBlackSkirt96 Shake time: 0 s Temperature: 31 C Instrument tag: Serial number: AD2123 Read sequence: row Mode sequence: plate Detection mode: f1 Light sensor: HC-120 Excitation side: Top Emission side: Top Lamp: Continuous Readings per well: 1 Time between readings: Integration time: 100000 us Attenuator mode: m Motion settling time: 25 ms Z Height: 3 mm Numeric Excitation filter: 1 Fluorescein 485 nm Emission filter: 1 Fluorescein 530 nm Beamsplitter: Top Fluorescein 505 Excitation polarizer filter: o Emission polarizer filter: o Detector counting: SmartRead Flash lamp voltage: Delay after flash: Sensitivity setting: 4 A/D converter gain: x1 Integrating gain: x1 Max cps: 69212200 cps Min counts: 2099 counts Well list: r0(a1:a12,b1:b12,c1:f12,g1:g12,h1:h12) = (f1(a1:a12,b1:b12,c1:f12,g1:g12,h1:h12)) Data: RAW DATA Units: rfu Display format: %.2f 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 A 6478886400.00 717478600.00 77608900.00 11108200.00 2893000.00 6679782400.00 715245400.00 85836500.00 10834800.00 2099700.00 4551700.00 2796900.00 B 6111290000.00 722592800.00 82930700.00 10949200.00 3968500.00 4561500.00 4299600.00 4998000.00 4145500.00 4538000.00 4279000.00 4398300.00 C 3762846800.00 5479758000.00 4868315600.00 4379628400.00 4868315600.00 3970930400.00 3575484800.00 3762846800.00 4374070400.00 4868315600.00 5963265600.00 3643517600.00 D 3156380600.00 4297715200.00 6478886400.00 5488483600.00 3894652400.00 3829741600.00 6478886400.00 1990050600.00 3899058000.00 4464724800.00 3069249800.00 3517109600.00 E 4122927600.00 2651359800.00 4292363200.00 3405896800.00 5352123600.00 3460610000.00 3254738200.00 3110801200.00 2217997000.00 3762846800.00 3698248400.00 2653400800.00 F 3405896800.00 3899058000.00 4374070400.00 3899058000.00 3899058000.00 3405896800.00 3460610000.00 4767313600.00 3575484800.00 3899058000.00 4203375200.00 4203375200.00 G 2651359800.00 3517109600.00 4458949200.00 4045502000.00 6921220000.00 2027510400.00 4470515600.00 4559216000.00 5222375200.00 4374070400.00 4122927600.00 4464724800.00 H 6893534400.00 6289721600.00 4050255600.00 4980878000.00 2898879400.00 3635830400.00 3405896800.00 4203375200.00 3517109600.00 2459600.00 2558700.00 3196600.00