things I dislike about softmax pro 6.3: hard to set up plate patterns copy+paste plates doesnt work right (cant paste multiple times) slow, prone to crashing (do we need more ram?) clicking on the unknowns makes the software load all the data very slowly when machine is transitioning from plate to plate, it stops whatever you are doing. random communication errors sometimes says there is an error and needs to close but keeps reading the plate anyway some wells in the plate template use the same color code and you have to inspect each one to tell apart 3d graph feature does not alwas display the depth correctly ed graph z axis not helpful no way to scan a single plate twice without setting up 2 identical plates interface seems to change for no reason while scanning (template editor) exported data gives numbers sorted alphabetically, (10, 100, 101, 20) must re-sort every time want: feature to reread samples if the first two reads disagree problem: we have dna that clumps. if we scan once, some of the samples are wrong because of a clump. if a sample has a clump, we need to scan 3+ times to westimate the concentration. but doing this with all samples is time consuming.