DNA Tech Shared Instrument Data

platereader / Rutledge / other /

Owner: dnatech@ucdavis.edu
Directory size: {{size}}Calculate...
NameTagsExtensionSizeMD5 SumModifiedActions
file 12-14-07_MYCOPLASM_ASSAY_a.txt txt 5.3KB Calculate 12/14/2007 11:42
file 8-21-07 atp determination background 7.2KB Calculate 08/21/2007 15:16
file 8-1-07_mycoplasm_assay_4_reading_A.txt txt 5.2KB Calculate 08/01/2007 14:13
file 8-1-07 mycoplasm assay #4 reading B.txt txt 1.9KB Calculate 08/01/2007 17:52
file 11-27-07_mycoplasm_testB.txt txt 2.9KB Calculate 11/29/2007 14:13
file 11-27-07_mtcoplasm_testA.txt txt 5.7KB Calculate 11/27/2007 12:07
file 5-23-07 mycoplasma assay 1 reading B-counts.txt txt 6.9KB Calculate 05/23/2007 16:56
file 7-27-07 Mycoplasma assay #3 Reading A 7.0KB Calculate 07/27/2007 14:07
file 5-23-07 mycoplasma assay 1 reading B-rlu.txt txt 4.8KB Calculate 05/23/2007 16:16
file 8-21-07_atp_determination_background.txt txt 6.9KB Calculate 08/21/2007 15:19
file 8-7-07 atp determination background 8.2KB Calculate 08/07/2007 15:46
file 11-2-07_atp-determination.txt txt 1.8KB Calculate 11/02/2007 17:49
file 5-23-07 mycoplasma assay 1 reading A 18.9KB Calculate 05/23/2007 15:56
file 12-14-07_mYCOPLASM_aSSAY_b.txt txt 7.8KB Calculate 12/17/2007 13:12
file 7-27-07 Mycoplasma assay #3 Reading B 1.8KB Calculate 07/27/2007 14:07
file 6-15-07 Mycoplasma Assay #2 Reading B.txt txt 4.4KB Calculate 06/22/2007 16:32
file 8-7-07_atp_determination.txt txt 5.2KB Calculate 08/07/2007 15:50
file 5-23-07 mycoplasma assay 1 reading A-counts.txt txt 3.4KB Calculate 05/23/2007 15:58
file 5-23-07 mycoplasma assay 1 reading A-rlu.txt txt 3.4KB Calculate 05/23/2007 16:12
file 6-15-07 Mycoplasma Assay #2 Reading A.txt txt 6.8KB Calculate 06/15/2007 15:58
file 5-23-07 mycoplasma assay 1 reading B-rlu10.txt txt 20.4KB Calculate 05/23/2007 16:39
file 8-21-07_atp_determination.txt txt 3.3KB Calculate 08/23/2007 14:03
file 10-24-07_atp_determination_test.txt txt 7.2KB Calculate 11/02/2007 17:49
file 7-27-07 Mycoplasma assay #3 Reading B.txt txt 1.8KB Calculate 07/27/2007 14:09
file 9-5-07_atp_determination_test.txt txt 1.8KB Calculate 09/05/2007 14:52
file 8-7-07_atp_determination_background.txt txt 1.1KB Calculate 08/07/2007 15:50
file 8-7-07 atp determination background.txt txt 5.4KB Calculate 08/21/2007 15:06
file 8-1-07_mycoplasm_assay_4_reading_B.txt txt 1.8KB Calculate 08/01/2007 14:13

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